Friday 17 January 2014

Dont get your Panti in a twist...

As the point I made on twitter this morning to Richard Waghorne and Panti is that in Apartheid South Africa, inter racial marriage was banned by the Afrikaaner government and this policy was racially driven, it treated black citizens as second class citizens . This policy was driven by the belief that Afrikaaners were superior to others and this was reinforced by the ex presidents of South Africa.
Back in November 2013 – David Quinn published an article in the Indo enttitled

Denying a child’s right to have a mother has become state policy

In it he says

The ‘right’ of two men or two women to have a child is a purely invented legal right, not a natural one. It is a simple fact of life that they will find it impossible to have a child unless they can find a member of the opposite sex who is willing to facilitate them

The right of citizens to be treated equally under the is not an invented legal right, it is the natural right of any society that people be treated just and fairly and not as second class citizens. Just as the black population of South Africa was banned from marrying who they like, the Iona Insitute does not want to see same sex marriage or same sex adoption for gay couples and the following is proof of that

THERE HAVE BEEN calls for an investigation into allegations that the Iona Institute tried to mislead last weekend’s Constitutional Convention hearings on same-sex marriage.
Senator David Norris has sought an inquiry into whether the conservative think-tank deliberately cited an academic paper arguing in favour of a child being raised by its biological parents, presenting it as an argument in favour of excluding same-sex couples from civil marriage.

The Iona Institute’s submission to the convention summarised the paper as follows:

Research clearly demonstrates that family structure matters for children, and the family structure that helps the most is a family headed by two biological parents in a low-conflict marriage… There is thus value in promoting strong, stable marriage between biological parents.
When accessed online now, however, the study carries a disclaimer on the front page from its authors – saying the research summarised surveys in 2002 which identified neither same-sex nor adoptive parents.
On a personal note I feel that the Iona Institute is an organisation with a prejudicial attitude and in the defence of fair comment as above I believe that this and other evidence is reasonable belief. You cannot sue someone for having an opinion. The Iona Institute really need to repair their time machine and go back to Victorian times where they may be lauded as heros and David Quinn can be hero worshipped ….

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