Monday 27 August 2012

Campaigners from RISE ( Rural Ireland Says Enough) have been asking the government to get them to over turn the ban on the Union Ward Hunt. Simon Covney has moved to reassure them that there will be no bans on hunting in the new bill (there wouldnt be, there may besome TD's who have an interest in hunting). A spokesman for Hunting Association Ireland said

What we are concerned about at the moment is the Animal Welfare Act that is coming down the line. Minister Simon Coveney has committed to us that there will not be any measures in the Act that will prevent hunting in Ireland.

On the other hand Animal Rights Action Network are calling for a repeal of hunting and that there be psychiatric evaluations in the cases where there is cruelty to animals. This makes perfect sense as those with an aversion to treating animals cruelly are usually desensetised so humans are seen as pretty much a progression in the next step. Protests are going to be held in the next while..

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