Monday 26 March 2012

The Graduation Theory - Why Stag Hunters may be no better than serial killers & rapists

The Graduation Theory is one of the latest hypothesis as to why serial killers and their ilk develop the way they did due to the influence in their formative years of inflicting pain upon the animals. One subject often cited is the case of Jeffrey Dahmer who for years killed and tortured animals for pleasure and then moved on to humans. Oft this type of behaviour (i.e. the hunting of animals) is rewarded with pats on the back from some sectors of society with the stag mounted on a wall to be displayed as a trophy. These people are akin to the serial killer in their early stages of their path to becoming serial killers but most never thankfully reach that stage of becoming killers but the potential is always there. More information can be read here on the theory and the rewarding of such behaviour.

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