Friday 8 March 2013

Single !

It probably comes as no surprise to people to learn that I am recently single. It was my decision, no one wants to be single, not me in particular but I needed it as I needed room to grow and learn to look in too myself. It was one of the biggest decisions I have taken, was not taken lightly but it was for the best and now Im not looking back. Today four weeks ago it all ended and how have the past four weeks been? Everything has gone through my head from afraid of being alone, worry did I make the right descision, lacking direction and feeling like Im swimming in a sea of treacle (which still happens the odd time albeit it happens to us all!) but armed with a lot of positivity this patch is what Im going through. The one thing though that I did learn, and this is a massive lesson for me is that I have to beleive my own sense of judgement is worthwhile.

After the breakup my whole sense of judgement felt like it was lacking, it was wrong. Over the last few weeks asking friends for their opinion and then getting 101 different opinions would discombobulate me (just looking for an excuse to use that word ;) ) . However my friends (thanks to you all you know who you are) sat me down and gave me the clarity of thought for which I thank them for. They reassured me that everything that I was doing was even if they may not agree with it they would back me up 100%, they just wanted me to be happy.

Since everything the last four weeks has been a blast and it has involved meeting a lot of new people,one new friend in particular who I just clicked with, feels like we have been friends for years! What to take out of this readers (cliched !)? Trust your own instincts, that gut feeling you have in the back of your head that is telling you what you want and what is right for you, listen to what is right for you. I knew what I wanted but knowing what was right for me was even tougher as my passions, emotions and other feelings sought to over ride me knowing what was best for me. Looking to the future I do want to settle down, meet someone nice and rent a house with an alsatian (seriously! and a ferret too!) and have my friends and family around me knowing that Im comfortable. Such simple things longed for are so hard to get. For the mean time Im going to continue meeting people, seeing the world and enjoying the company of friend and family.....! As M People said !

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