Thursday 28 November 2013

Workers Rights and Walmart

Red Pepper this month is carrying a report on Walmart and touches upon its employee record. Some of their great achievements

-Union busting , they outsourced a lot of their butcher shops after one shop formed a union
-Breaking labour laws on the employment of children
-No breaks and working unpaid beyond rostered times.

The worst perhaps was this:

The zenith, or rather nadir, of the corporation’s disregard for its staff was exposed in its ‘Dead Peasants Insurance’; policies taken out on a number of low level workers in an attempt to profit from their deaths

Other criticisms from here, goes into some details:

Public Sector Outsourcing

Arthur Cox article with some views on outsourcing. Having gotten bogged down in the document and eventually reading some of it, the document is an account of sorts and where possible outsourcing might happen.

s per the Public Service Reform Plan,
in relation to outsourcing a series of
timelined steps are outlined, which relate
to overall identification of opportunities,
development of business plans and,
importantly, strengthening of public
service “commercial capability” in the area,
which should include the challenging
area of project structure and supplier
management. It is an essential feature
of outsourcing that a strong customer
commercial function is needed to manage
suppliers. This area of historical public
sector weakness is, we understand, under
review by DPER. Overall, the outsourcing
industry has taken up the challenge
of presenting suitably compelling
arguments for outsourcing in appropriate
circumstances and with reference to the
stipulations of the Croke Park Agreement

One company that may have an interest in this is South Western Business Services, an Irish company . On their website it says :

SouthWestern is a market leader in the provision of integrated front and back office services. Our key focus areas are Finance & Accounting, HR and Payroll, Customer Relationship Management and integrated front and back office services. Our sector focus is in our key markets of Public Sector, Financial Services, Travel, Media and Food and Drink. We provide business services to leading public and private sector clients in Ireland, the UK and Europe.

One of their directors is one Joe Walsh whom may be familiar as the once Irish minster for Agriculture .

When you look at outsourcing over all, cost effectively it does not really play out. Patricia King from SIPTU last year concluded that after a study that there is very little cost benefit from outsourcing of the Health Service and in the long term that this may even cost the state more.

KPMG's Paul Toner however takes a different attitude, getting all excited about the opportunities afforded by outsourcing

There are already many good examples of this:

• the HSE now has a legal outsourcing framework that governs the outsourcing of legal services that has improved the effectiveness of the service while driving down costs;

• a number of the financial services institutions have outsourced special servicing to third parties who bring more effective technology solutions and skills to support a more effective process offering increased performance at a lower cost;

• numerous utility and public service companies have outsourced selected customer servicing processes to third parties who have ‘best in class’ customer servicing platforms that would be prohibitive in terms of time and cost for those entities to put in place themselves
. - Sexist or fair?

men protect and care for children. With MAN UP, men and women are proudly standing up and declaring zero tolerance on violence against women in Ireland.

To end violence against women we all need to be part of the solution.

We are looking for MAN UP heroes – people like you – to help us expose, challenge and change the face of violence against women.

Cant swing a cat on the Luas without hitting this poster. Man Up is a new initiative to eradicate voilence against women (an issue present all across the stratas of society) but this ad specifically targets men and those who hit women. Statistically the ad is correct, there is a hell of a lot more voilence against women than is the opposting situation by why did this campaign have to focus on just men?

Statistics from Amen (charity involved in fighting abuse against men)

• 15% of women and 6% of men suffer severe domestic abuse
• 29% of women and 26% of men suffer domestic abuse when severe and
minor abuse are combined

In proposing an alternative there should be a campaign to eradicate all forms of domestic voilence that is targetted at all those whom are perpetrators. Shock tactics as used in the eradication of drink driving in Australia is one approach that could be taken. A video with various victims in various states after being beaten up could shock people into thinking. People could be forgiven with this manup campaign that somehow domestic violence was specifically a problem that only applies to male perpetrators who attack female victims....

Is the Belfast Telegraph using the Liam Adams case to attack Gerry Adams?

Like a banner headline screaming "Liam Adams guilty.... " and the headline underneath "Unfit for Office" . The subline goes into the "terrible abuse secret he knew for twenty years". It should come as no surprise that the perhaps the level of ennui in the offices must have been high to have come up with such a sensationalist headline. The paper is owned by Independent News and Media,who are not amicable towards Republicanism. Users here will know I have little time for Gerry Adams but it is very unfair to use his brothers conviction to paint him as being unfit for office, the two issues are completely seperate.

Update :